Amy's Dam Tour Update
Monday, January 07, 2008
O.k. people we are going to work under the Keep It Simple Stupid method for the tour, because.....well we just aren't tour guides.
The tour will probably be on Thursday August 14 from 1-4pm. We can get a limo to take 10 people to the dam, stay for an hour, and return for around $28/person. We can stay longer at the dam if all involved are willing to pay a portion of the additional time. The next step after 10 people is 16, which is fine if we can fill all the seats.
What I need is if you think (fairly for sure) that you will be wanting to go let me know. If I have enough "fairly for sure" people I'll reserver the transportation. Digg The Redboy Podcast!
posted by Redboy @ 8:24 PM,
- At 8:43 PM, Charles Cadenhead said...
Cadenhead is in.
- At 8:48 PM, spaguyswife said...
Barring any unforeseen circumstances you can count the spa people in (2).
- At 4:07 PM, Shelly said...
Two from Texas. We want to sit by the bar!