mii Family

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 3:04 PM, ,

Show #112 - The Replacements

Much love to our friends, Shelly, Steve, Maureen, Charles and Barely for hooking us up with a show this week.
Quick Hits
- Welcome
- Matt and Amy are indisposed
- No win tonight
- Boys picking on crocodiles
-Daylight Savings Warning
-Text messaging contest
-Scientist Find Kryptonite
- Rocks for Jocks and cute professors for Shelly
- We check on Redboy
- Idol Talk

- Amy (Shelly and Maureen) vs Abby
- Ask Frank about marjinia use
-Ask Abby and wearing engagement rings
- Steve talks about plans for his wii
- And who is REALLY in the photo on the Redboy website
- As Seen on TV Store in Illinois
- Cinco de Mayo feedback and Maureen suggest growing cilantro in a pot

Feedbacker/Honorable Mention
- The Big Show
- Borderline
- Andycast
- Daryl Cognito of Atomic Suburbia
- Barely Podcasting
- Shelly's Podcast
- Hollywood on the Radio
- Blogger and Podcaster Magazine
- Wicked Good
- Extra Points
- Loopipes Blog
- Mostly News
- Desperate Husbands
- Margot

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 5:27 PM, ,

Earworm Video of the Week

Little Red's school did a much different version of this song, but the chorus (EARWORM) remains the same. Enjoy:

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 7:16 PM, ,

Help Amy get Redboy a Wii for Father's Day

So Absolute Amy would like to "surprise" Redboy with a Wii for Father's day. However she lacks the Wii hunting skills or desire to sleep infront of a store. She is not looking for donations just soldiers in the field to assist her in finding one, without being robbed on Ebay. So if you come across one and can pick it up for her....

The goal: Help Amy get Redboy a Wii for Father's Day
The Deal: She will pay for the Wii and shipping costs. In return the Redboy Podcast will make a donation of $50 to the charity of your choice....and maybe you'll get a Tshirt (the only commodity we have)
Why: Cause she won't stand a chance on her own
Contact Amy: She has her own account that Redboy can't see at "wii at redboypodcast DOT com"

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Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 7:17 PM, ,

Our New Monster

Here is our new monster done by Len over at monstersbymail.com

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Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 10:28 AM, ,

Show#111 Who wants to be a Redboy Idol

Quick Hits
- Wanna be a Redboy Idol join SingShot and send us your song
- April 23-29 National turn of your TV week
- Death of the frog man (aka Grow a Frog)
- Top ten foods you should never eat
- Hit Me Scotty J One More Time
- Amy's As Seen On TV Review - Sheer Coverage. Like us to review something let us know.
- Generic products that suck!
- Who was smarter than a 5th grader(listen to win): Avg score 79%

Feedbacker/Honorable Mention
- Barely
- WickedGoodPodcast
- Mostly News
- CoupleCasts.com
- Love Long and Prosper
- Illinoise
- Pediascribe
- DinkyCast
- Ten With Tom

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 9:37 PM, ,

Show #110 - Who's smarter than a 5th grader???

Quick Hits
- Are you smarter than a 5th grader? Post your score for a chance to win.
- Congrats to Len & Nora and Joe & Lisa
- We will be at the PME's at the Marriot
- LTAD's cruel April fools joke
- Redboy was really sick
- Wii Update...the plight continues
- Idol update
- Turtle Topper Trouble
- TMI @ Walmart haircuts

Feedbacker/Honorable Mention
- Jawbone Radio
- Cheap Date
- For What it's Worth
- Zaldors World
- Barely
- WickedGoodPodcast
- Mostly News
- CoupleCasts.com
- Love Long and Prosper

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 9:49 PM, ,

A little Easter fun

Amy found a deal....oh joy!

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Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 4:04 PM, ,

Show #109 I'm not sick, just bald

Quick Hits
- Thanks Scotty J for the intro
- Phyl Ann Thropy joins us
- Thanks CTB123 for hosting us!
- CoupleCasts.com
- Redboy Podcast Cinco De Mayo 2yr Anniversary Party
- April 13th Bomb Barely's V-mail
- oppressed Redboy shaves his head!!!
Travelin' Stories
- Missed Les from Zaldors Worlds
- Webkinz for the nephews
- The Wii that almost was
- Great food at the Bavarian Inn
Feedbacker/Honorable Mention

- WickedGoodPodcast
- The Half Show
- Mostly News
- Love Long and Prosper

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 9:50 PM, ,

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?


Take this test of 20 questions to see if you are smarter than a 5th grader. I'm sad to say I only got a 70% which would have been a C- in my school.

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 8:00 AM, ,