Help Lil Redboy get an ipod...and something for you to!

If lil Redboy sells 100 items for his school by October 2 he will win a iPod Nano. This is your chance to help out a little boy and his school, and get something for yourself in the process.

Remember it's not about how much is spent, but how many items are sold. So you don't have to buy the most expensive thing. Everything sold counts to his goal!

Thanks Lil Redboy (a.k.a. Luke)

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 2:56 PM, ,

Show #87 Welcome Me & The Bean

Thanks to Me & The Bean for joining us for some good ol' podcasting. And we ask the age old question, a woman's place is in the?

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 7:17 AM, ,

Show # 86 Disney or be the Judge!

- Landscape-apades and plant hagglin'
- Soccer Issues
- Disney or Carpet? You be the judge
- Redboy wants airline seats
- Advanced Toasting Technology
- Re-gifting
- Bizarre injuries in our house

Feedbackers and Honorable Mentions

Let's Talk About Dinsey
For What It's Worth
Barely Podcasting
Jen's new cast
Extra Point
Me and The Bean
Extra Points
Mr. C's What's That Make Me Podcast

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 9:28 PM, ,

Show #85 Wish we had a point

- Amy picks the earworm this week
- Our thoughts and prayers go out for the loss of Steve Irwin and Adam Raimer's Dad
- Thanks for all the great feedback this week, this must be a record
- Fantasy Football starts this week.
- School functions abound
- Amy throws away the kids toy on a 3 hour tour
- Barbies Pooping dog and Bratz are ho dolls
- Don't forget the Redboy Podcast Cafe Press store.
- How do you talk to kids about 9-11-01?
- Redboy's food poisoning from Good's
- Is there going to be a Star Wars 6 pack? Help us decide.
- New found cornfield podcaster: Reasonable

Shelly's Podcast
Barely Podcasting
The Big Show
Extra Points
Komputer Karl!!! Yeah!!!
Zaldor's World
For What It's Worth

Chat Buffet

Podcast Morons
Mostly News

Digg The Redboy Podcast!

posted by Redboy @ 9:33 PM, ,