Show #87 Welcome Me & The Bean
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thanks to Me & The Bean for joining us for some good ol' podcasting. And we ask the age old question, a woman's place is in the?
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posted by Redboy @ 7:17 AM,
- At 9:38 AM, Shelly said...
Finally, I'm the "something" of podcasting. I have arrived! Thanks Chad. Guess I better brush up on my "Silence of the Lambs" references.
- At 12:57 PM, Podcast Rant said...
hehe no prob shelly.
I expect you to know your lines come Expo time.
chad - At 8:09 PM, Jen said...
Great show - I laughed my tuckus off. I hope Amy's throat cancer gets better soon. (I really shouldn't joke about the cancer, right?) Well, feel better.