Welcome to Show Six- O...take this job and shove it!
Friday, March 03, 2006
- Crazy Carlos takes our picture and Silent Steve is soon to return
- The current temp by Amy
- No Sheryl Crow concert, but we keep date night
- Luke gives up fruit snacks
- Amy says "take this job and shove it"...well not exactely
- A break with Ten With Tom
- More about Amy staying home....is it wrong, right or other wise. Her new show will discuss that.
- Thanks for comments from Shelly, Zee & Zed, and Israelisms
- We play Simon
- Idol update. Amy is 2 for 2 with the boys and 1 for 2 on the girls
Digg The Redboy Podcast!
posted by Redboy @ 6:50 PM,
- At 8:19 PM, Daryl N Cognito said...
You know what damages society? Narcissistic freaks that try to jam their opinion down your throat and limit your choice. I am not a stay at home mom. Nor have I every played one on TV. It typically cost more to work when you add up daycare, second car etc. The problem is that people tend to over value work in the traditional sense.
By the way, I love the "suits to sweats" idea - At 8:22 PM, Daryl N Cognito said...
Boy, could that post have been more disjointed?
- At 8:44 PM, Zee And Zed said...
I nearly pissed my pants when you played Simon..too funny.
Amy, I love the "Suits to Sweats" name! I can't wait for that segment, as I am a stay at home Mom. I also agree with both you and Redboy, you decide whether to work or stay at home by what is best for your family. That woman on tv is clearly a digbat of the highest order. Stop the Mommy Wars! Women need to stick together, have each others back and support one anothers decisions. We are lucky to live in a country where women have choices. Whew, looks like I am a graduate of the Poddog school of ranting.
-Karen - At 10:05 PM, Redboy said...
Hey guys...and gals..Thanks for the great feedback. We hoped that this topic would stir some conversation and feedback. Any more ideas for amy and her show please let us know.
- At 12:54 PM, Carol said...
I love the idea for Amy's show. Now that my kids are grown and almost out of the house I too want to be a stay at home mom!....Oh wait a minute,uh, thats not exactly what you meant is it?
More power to ya. I think the idea is great because you won't be one of those stepford moms and other women will be able to identify.