The Name Amy Contest
Thursday, June 16, 2005
the Redboy Podcast in association with Late Night with Mr. X and Just Julie proudly bring you the "Name Amy" contest. Yes, that's correct--you can help give a fellow Podcaster a cool new code name and win a few prizes for doing so! If you heard our latest show, you will hear the plight of Amy, who can't seem to get a decent Podcast code name. Submit your best idea for a cool name to Redboy and if we (well she) deems you worthy, YOU will win one of many cool prizes Mr. X has from his secret vault, including a few awesome things from Speck Productsfor your iPod. Digg The Redboy Podcast!
posted by Redboy @ 11:59 AM,
- At 6:22 PM, Just Pete said...
My official submissions for Amy:
"Scarlet Girl"
"The Busey-body"
"Mon Amy"
"Princess Buttercup"