Got an opener....
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I have put together the beginings of a podcast opener. It sounds faily good and probably more entertaining than the rest of the podcast, but we'll see. I did order an iMic today to enable me to use the mac and Audio Hijack Pro. It seems to be the easiest way to set it all up, and record skype calls. I decided that my podcast will rely strongly on skype calls....cause I'm not sure I'm all that interesting. But what could be funnier than a slightly balding redhead guy in the middle of a cornfield recording a podcast?? Digg The Redboy Podcast!
posted by Redboy @ 3:42 PM,
- At 7:20 AM, ronmercury said...
Based on my experience, the best way to record and podcast Skype calls is by using HotRecorder.
This is a very friendly software which requires no cables.
It enables you to record, save, search and share your Skype calls. It also works with other VoIP vehicles.
The paid version is ad-free (it costs less than $ 15) and it comes with voice-mail for Skype as well as an audio converter which makes podcasting really easy.
Ron Mercury - At 8:56 AM, Row said...
I agree!
I've tryied several methods and none is as fast and easy as HotRecorder.
virtual audio cables are a pain...